UseStrictPasswordRules property

Returns or sets whether strict password rules are enforced in this site.



HRESULT get_UseStrictPasswordRules(
VARIANT_BOOL* pUseStrictPasswordRules)

HRESULT put_UseStrictPasswordRules(
VARIANT_BOOL myUseStrictPasswordRules)

Scripting languages

Boolean = object.UseStrictPasswordRules

object.UseStrictPasswordRules = Boolean


If UseStrictPasswordRules is set to TRUE, then eRoom enforces that every password that is set meets at least three of the following four criteria:

  • The password must contain at least one of the following characters: ~!@#$%^&*()_+|\\=-]}[{'\";:/?.>,<

  • The password must contain at least one uppercase character

  • The password must contain at least one lowercase character

  • The password must contain at least one number

If a password is submitted that does not meet three of these four criteria, then it is rejected.


Applies to