eRoom API Help

Welcome to the eRoom API Help, which provides programming and reference information for the Server Access API (SAAPI) and Server Extensions.

Server Access API

The Server Access API contains high level, easily programmed objects, which provide the ability to programmatically manipulate eRoom objects such as documents, folders, notes, web links and so on. It is a COM automation API. Developers can use applications such as Visual Basic and Visual C++ to create applications that call the Server Access API.

Using the Server Access API, a developer can write applications that perform many of the actions a user might perform in an eRoom. For example, the developer can create applications that can:

  • Create and delete objects.

  • Create and modify members.

  • Navigate through facilities, eRooms and folders.

  • Search eRooms

  • Add or edit attachments.

  • Import documents into eRoom from a server.

Server Extensions

An eRoom Server Extension is a custom application that you create in order to modify how eRoom behaves in response to certain events or how eRoom appears. eRoom currently supports four types of server extension programs: Customer Viewers, Custom Commands, UI Events, Custom UI, and Core Event Handlers (AKA Synchronous Event Handlers). We have defined a model for how to implement every type of extension. You need only fill in the implementation. This usually entails either implementing a main function in a scripting language or implementing the methods of an interface that we have defined. In either case eRoom can call into these well-defined modules in order to execute the code you've written.